Alternate Sratio Relationships

Although Timeline 2 (TL-2) is the primary timeline, deviations from the relationships used in that timeline are used in other timelines. These apply to the species ratio (Sratio) as described below.

The following graph shows three approximations to Sratio as a function of time. They are assigned to timelines as follows:

  • Green (-5000 <= year < 1650)
  • Blue (1650 <= year < 1947)
  • Purple (year >= 1947)

The following graph shows approximations to population as a function of Sratio. These are assigned to timelines as follows:

Green Sratio < 0.073 TL-2, TL-4, Fix
Green All Sratio TL-3
Black Sratio > 0.25 TL-5

The following graph shows two approximations of life expectancy as a function of  Sratio. The black curve is assigned to TL-5, and the blue curve is assigned to all other timelines.

The following graph shows two approximations of happiness as a function of  Sratio. The black curve is assigned to TL-5, and the red curve is assigned to all other timelines.

See also:

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