Limitless Case 2015-2035

The following graph shows normalized values for key variables based on the Limitless Case:
Limitless Case Norms

This case uses the following assumptions:

Values Conditions
Remaining Femin(Year) = Remaining Femin(Year-1) - [Remaining Femin(2015) - Remaining Femin(2014)] = Remaining Femin(Year-1) - 0.073840963

Year > 2015

Femin = 1.43547E-10 * Year^5 - 1.4181E-06 * Year^4 + 0.005602986 * Year^3 - 11.06717155 * Year^2 + 10928.44736 * Year - 4315928.331

Year > 2015

Fe = (Fetotal - Remaining Femin * Femin) - Femin All
Life Expectancy = 7.13557563604081*Fe^3 - 35.5380192482226*Fe^2 + 69.161061509516*Fe + 20 Year > 2015
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