Combined Case 2015-2035

The Combined Case applies weights to the values in each case for variables Population, Life Expectancy, and global footprint Fe as follows:

Combined Value = Bestweight * Best + Worstweight * Worst + Projectedweight * Projected + Hybridweight * Hybrid + Limitlessweight * Limitless

Weights are assigned based on the area under a normal probability distribution divided into five standard deviations (each a category for one case):

Category Stndard Deviation Range (Z) Weight
1  -6 to -3.6 0.000159109
2 -3.6 to -1.2 0.114910562
3 -1.2 to +1.2 0.76986066
4 +1.2 to +3.6 0.114910562
5 +3.6 to +6 0.000159108

The remaining variables are calculated based on their definitions:

F = Fe / Population

Femin = Population * Fmin

Remaining Femin = [Fetotal - (Fe + Femin)] / Femin


The following graph shows normalized values with:

Case Category
Best 5
Worst 2
Projected 3
Hybrid 4
Limitless 1
Combined Norms
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