Political Slogans

Following are some short EXTREMELY PARTISAN bumper-sticker slogans.

·         Republicans: They get power, we get screwed.

·         McCain: Talks like a maverick, lies like a Bush.

·        McCain & Palin: Two Bushes for the price of one.

·         McCain & Palin: Dishonest, uninformed, impulsive. Sound familiar?

·         If Palin understands Russia by seeing it from Alaska, then seeing the Moon from my house must make me an astronaut.

·         CSI: Warshington (Corrupt Sadistic Incompetence) -- Starring George Bush, Dick Cheney, John McCain -- and introducing Sarah Palin

·         Right Wing LITMUS test for president: Lying, Incompetent, Thieving, Murderous, Underhanded, Stupid.

·         Obama: Honest, thinking, effective. For a change.

·         Obama: Popular because he’s right.

·         Obama: Smart talk, bold action.

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