Republicans for Change

If John McCain and his supporters were really committed to change, they would take a number of steps to prove it right away. Beginning with McCain, they would first fire every lobbyist that works for them. Second, they would pledge to support aggressive ethics reforms wherever they have power to do so, and agree to resign from whatever elected office they hold if they don’t. Third, they would publicly and contritely admit to the corruption they are responsible for in government. Fourth, and with any luck not finally, members of Congress would agree to take aggressive action to hold the executive branch equally accountable; this would include supporting active investigation of impeachment charges.

Since the GOP is responsible for most of the problems that Americans want a change from, its members have the burden of proof that they really intend to correct those problems. Rather than wait for their choice for president to take office, they should begin immediately to make the changes they are arguing for; to do otherwise is to add evidence to the suspicion that they are simply making a political ploy to keep power and maintain the status quo, a suspicion amplified by their acting far too happy.

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